
Peer Review & Formative Feedback


Comment on the appropriateness, scope and ambition of the proposed outcomes in relation to the subject.
  • The outcomes are very appropriate for what you're trying to produce & say
  • Exploration of character design, type and pattern shown
  • Consideration of idea linked in with dissertation research
  • Strong idea to have a colouring book to challenge gender presumptions aimed at children
  • Some of the toys you've drawn/listed are now out of date (i.e. action man no longer in production)
  • May need to include some more recent toys to stay relevant 
  • 21x21cm seems big enough, depends on the size of the illustration in the book.
  • 32 Pages is a lot to produce
Comment on the quantity and quality of visual investigation and development of ideas in response to the theme and subject.
  • Lots & lots of visual research, great quantity and variety
  • Great idea to juxtapose the female characters in what are considered 'masculine' jobs
  • The topics you've picked allow for a broad investigation
  • A pattern can be seen throughout the body of work, always connecting to the specific subject of gender identity.
  • May need some consideration of composition within the square format of the colouring book, how everything sits within the page
  • A lot more of the recent drawings can feed directly into your colouring book
Comment on the documentation of the conceptual and practical development of the work evidenced on the blog.

  • Shows up to date work
  • Research into existing colouring books
  • Exploration into character design
  • Consideration of feedback
  • Good documentation, lots of contextual research.
Comment on the decisions regarding the production and proposal of outcomes.

  • The outcome seems to be an appropriate amount of work
  • Seems appropriate for what you intend to produce
  • Could have experimented more but I'm not sure it would have been relevant
  • Consider a side poster using imagery from the colouring book to help advertise the product
General Comments:
  • The scale could be a little bigger - think about young children, they may struggle to keep within the lines
  • The introduction of other activities does sound interesting - it would probably be best to stick to colouring activities such as dot-to-dot, spot the difference etc
  • Could design packaging for coloured pencils to go along with the book
  • Projec looks good so far, was hard to find things to suggest.

I'm really happy with this feedback because I was worried that my intentions wouldn't be so clear to other people. I was also concerned because it seems like I've proposed something different at every peer review session and it took me a while to reach this point. 
I will definitely be taking note of some of these suggestions - I think producing additional posters and packaged colouring pencils is a great idea. Consideration of composition is also an important one. It's not that I haven't forgotten about it, I just wasn't at that stage in my sketchbook yet. I guess 32 pages is a lot to produce, but I'm pretty confident I can do it. It just means I need to stay focused. If I find that I'm struggling to reach it, considering how long each drawing has taken me so far, I can always lower it. 

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