
Making it more interactive?

I want to make this pack/book really interactive for whoever picks it up, so I'm thinking of dotting a few of these types of pages in throughout? So far I'm presenting them with images of things they could be (as in jobs/roles etc) but I'm also considering that I can't cater to absolutely everybody because we're all individuals and even though I'm promoting choice with this work, I also see that it's fairly limited/almost flawed in doing so. Maybe I'm over thinking this? Like with the essay aspect of this, there is no simple answer to what I want to achieve. Perhaps I should just go with my gut and put in these extra pages (but work on the design of them, maybe some decorative elements somewhere..). 

Colouring pages progress

The first three images are some of the colouring pages I drew in my sketchbook. Initially I was going to work to a square format book but since I've stepped away from producing a book specifically, I've chosen to work with A-format because it's more efficient for printing (less trimming/wasted paper) and I think it's easier to work with for characters.

I decided that the first three pages weren't very successful because of the simplicity of the composition and I felt like the characters needed a bit of an environment to give them context. Instead of just working in my sketchbook I've started to use loose paper so the spine doesn't get in the way and I don't draw in the center of the page. The last three drawings are definitely an improvement and I'm much happier with how they fill the space. I still need to draw eyes into them all though! I've been putting it off because I have a tendency to draw very over-exaggerated feminine features.
Although I've only drawn female characters so far I still want this colouring book/pack/whatever format I decide on, to show that we all have the choice to be who/what we want to be, so I'm thinking I should draw some more male or androgynous characters in similar roles?


Tutorial Feedback & action plan

Feeling really positive about both the essay and practical project after that tutorial! I've only got around 1000 to write to finish off the essay so we discussed/clarified exactly what I want that final chapter to cover.

Chapter question: to what extent does the media influence perceptions of gender roles and gender identity? (work in progress, it was difficult to articulate.. so this may change)

  • depictions of gender roles
  • the use of pink/colour
  • body image
  • possibly a fourth point, depending whether my research/analysis brings anything else to mind.
My analysis in the chapter so far has been okay, but it's important that I highlight the complexity of the topic throughout - it's not just as simple as 'the media reinforces gender roles by using X or Y' etc..
I've also made a note to narrow down the images I want to use and dot them throughout my essay (as long as they're appropriate) and then I can compare them in the final chapter/use them to either back up or contradict my argument. 

For the practical aspect, I was just advised not to let the book format dictate the work. The important part of my project is creating images that the audience can colour themselves, so this doesn't necessarily have to be a book.. If I find that trying to produce 32 pages is getting too much and affecting the quality of the work, I can always step back and present it another way. 

Over the Christmas break and through January my plan is to:
  • Finish essay by the 18th Dec which should only take a couple of days
  • Produce at least one (2 most days) pages/drawings per day until 1st January
  • 1st Jan make decision about final format, packaging/presentation
  • Prepare files for print for 7th Jan
  • Final crit 8th Jan
  • Make any alterations, re-read essay & get bound before submissio

Sketchbook Work

Based on the feedback I got at the tutorial, I've been starting to draw female characters in typically 'masculine' job roles. I really like how they look so far so I think I'll stick with hand-rendered drawings. There is way too much white space however. I thought about filling that space with tools associated with that job or I could draw the environment (or sections of it?). The page format I'm going to use for the colouring book will be square so I need to start considering that more when drawing.
By cropping the images I think it makes them a bit more interesting.. Not only does it help with the composition but it shows more of the detail. I think cutting out unnecessary information also looks better, I need to consider how I can communicate that job role as simply as possible. It doesn't work with all of them, but it will help me vary the illustrations throughout the book rather than have one figure slapped in the middle of each page.


Gender roles in advertising

For the last stretch of my essay I want to focus on how gender roles or stereotypes are used to target specific audiences in advertising/the media. These are some of the examples I've found so far - I didn't even have to look very hard to find exactly what I wanted. The point of this analysis is to point out that there hasn't been much choice regarding attributes associated with gender because it has been reinforced so much in the past. Contemporary examples are slightly different because there are different advertising standards and society has progressed a lot in terms of gender equality. However I want to point out that there are still elements of gender stereotyping so although people have more choice about what defines their gender, the media does still reinforce gender binary to an extent.


Self Evaluation

At the moment I think the way I have been drawing the line-work shown in this post works because the thick outer line will help children be neater with colouring. I also think some of the subjects I am starting to investigate, such as women in 'masculine' jobs, communicate what I want to say really well. To capitalise on both of these I will be exploring them both further in my sketchbook and reviewing each piece - what I like or dislike about it and how I can do it better next time.

Up to this point, I think that my time management has been pretty good. I've managed to stay up to date and have significant progress between each review. The next time my peers see my work will be the final crit so I actually need to step it up if I want to get this work finished in time. I'm going to work out how many drawings per week I need to finish to meet my target and still have enough time for production.
Another thing I could improve on would be how I use my sketchbook. I'm disappointed that I haven't filled one up yet so perhaps I need to be a little less precious with what I put in there. Although I'm at the stage where I need to be producing more refined work, I don't think I should stop investigating/trying out new things altogether.

Over the next four or five weeks I will be producing a 32 page colouring book and then re-appropriating some of the images to promotional posters/point of sale designs and packaging. It's a lot of work but I will only actually be producing the book and possibly the packaging. Anything else I decide to do can be mocked up and presented on boards.

In response to the feedback, I think I need to focus on consideration of composition. When I work in my sketchbook, a lot of the time I draw things in the middle of the page. Perhaps drawing on square paper or just drawing a square on the page will help. I also need to think about how to make each page interesting for a younger audience - e.g. lots of things to colour in, but not overly complex.

Action Plan

  1. Investigate gender & professions - women in 'masculine' jobs etc. Does it work the other way around?
  2. Work out how many illustrations I need to finish per week in order to meet deadlines
  3. Look at existing colouring books in shops for packaging/presentation ideas.

Peer Review & Formative Feedback


Comment on the appropriateness, scope and ambition of the proposed outcomes in relation to the subject.
  • The outcomes are very appropriate for what you're trying to produce & say
  • Exploration of character design, type and pattern shown
  • Consideration of idea linked in with dissertation research
  • Strong idea to have a colouring book to challenge gender presumptions aimed at children
  • Some of the toys you've drawn/listed are now out of date (i.e. action man no longer in production)
  • May need to include some more recent toys to stay relevant 
  • 21x21cm seems big enough, depends on the size of the illustration in the book.
  • 32 Pages is a lot to produce
Comment on the quantity and quality of visual investigation and development of ideas in response to the theme and subject.
  • Lots & lots of visual research, great quantity and variety
  • Great idea to juxtapose the female characters in what are considered 'masculine' jobs
  • The topics you've picked allow for a broad investigation
  • A pattern can be seen throughout the body of work, always connecting to the specific subject of gender identity.
  • May need some consideration of composition within the square format of the colouring book, how everything sits within the page
  • A lot more of the recent drawings can feed directly into your colouring book
Comment on the documentation of the conceptual and practical development of the work evidenced on the blog.

  • Shows up to date work
  • Research into existing colouring books
  • Exploration into character design
  • Consideration of feedback
  • Good documentation, lots of contextual research.
Comment on the decisions regarding the production and proposal of outcomes.

  • The outcome seems to be an appropriate amount of work
  • Seems appropriate for what you intend to produce
  • Could have experimented more but I'm not sure it would have been relevant
  • Consider a side poster using imagery from the colouring book to help advertise the product
General Comments:
  • The scale could be a little bigger - think about young children, they may struggle to keep within the lines
  • The introduction of other activities does sound interesting - it would probably be best to stick to colouring activities such as dot-to-dot, spot the difference etc
  • Could design packaging for coloured pencils to go along with the book
  • Projec looks good so far, was hard to find things to suggest.

I'm really happy with this feedback because I was worried that my intentions wouldn't be so clear to other people. I was also concerned because it seems like I've proposed something different at every peer review session and it took me a while to reach this point. 
I will definitely be taking note of some of these suggestions - I think producing additional posters and packaged colouring pencils is a great idea. Consideration of composition is also an important one. It's not that I haven't forgotten about it, I just wasn't at that stage in my sketchbook yet. I guess 32 pages is a lot to produce, but I'm pretty confident I can do it. It just means I need to stay focused. If I find that I'm struggling to reach it, considering how long each drawing has taken me so far, I can always lower it. 


Sketchbook/idea development

Continuing with the colouring book idea, I started to draw children's toys that are typically associated with a specific gender. I decided to have them all on the same page so that it didn't suggest that there were any categories (i.e. girls toys/boys toys). As I went along I decided to simplify the composition because of the target audience - young children.

At this point in time, I'm unsure about most of the content for the colouring book - definitely something to talk about in the peer review. A few categories I could explore are jobs/professions, clothing and play - all of which are affected by gender in my opinion. Perhaps I could show men/women (or any other gender-non specific person) in roles or jobs that challenge stereotypes.. For example, a male taking care of a baby, male nurses and ballerinas, female builders etc. Perhaps I should show multiple genders doing the same thing - to suggest that everyone can do these things if they choose?

Looking at existing children's colouring books

I've picked out these because they demonstrate the kind of composition and varying lines usually used in children's colouring books.
The illustrations are fairly simple but have some details and varied line weights which all make it more interesting to colour. These are all things I need to consider when making my own pages.