
Practical Progress/Thoughts

Since the last peer review, I've been focusing on developing some characters. One thing that I've noticed though, is that I really need to practice child anatomy & faces - I don't seem to be able to draw anything believable yet, so I haven't got very far with it.  I'm going to go back to basics and do some studies before I play with the tone of voice.

One major development is the idea of putting these into a colouring book. The idea was suggested in peer review for something entirely different, based on my Monster Grrl zine. I'm so happy this was suggested because I've wanted to work making a colouring book into one of my projects somehow and it seems much more appropriate to this problem than just creating characters for a potential children's cartoon (the idea I proposed at the last review session). It also allows the audience to choose their own colours, so each finished book would be reflective of the individual's interests.

I'm still playing round with themes for the colouring book. I like the idea of having a few sports related pages, which I've done some initial sketches for. The overarching theme is gender and encouraging children not to feel pressured into adhering to gender stereotypes. I want to show that everybody can engage with these sorts of activities.

I really like Kristyna Baczynski's pages on a theme and I'd like to do something along those lines.. maybe a couple of pages of toys? Colouring books generally need to have a lot of interesting shapes to colour in, so it should be fun trying to fill up all the white space.

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