
Peer Review

Initial Proposal:

Overarching theme

Specific Subject
Gender identity awareness

Research Question
How has Western feminism changed in the last 150years?

An information book/activity pack for children 7-11

Proposed Outcomes
In addition to the book, I am proposing how the content can be applied to an interactive app and workshops in primary schools

Media Processes
Primarily digital processes, e.g. creating the book pages in Illustrator, arranging in InDesign. Sketchbook will be used for initial ideas and creating textures.

Question 1
Based on my proposal, is there anything I haven't considered about the outcomes?

Question 2
Do you think this is an appropriate response to the topic?

Question 3
Do you have any suggestions for activities or topics I haven't thought of?


Comment on the initial relationship between the Theme and the proposed Subject?
- Strong relationship between the two at this stage
- Clear link between the two
- Document character development more on blog

Comment on the appropriateness, scope and ambition of the proposed outcomes in relation to the subject.
- You've got a lot of ambition
- Outcome strongly addresses the question/product idea
- Maybe include more activities. 7 to 11 year olds learn through doing quite often, more than reading. See if you can show them rather than tell them. You are on the right track.
- Rather than having all the activities in the back, have some mixed throughout the book, relating to the subject/topic on that page.

Comment on the visual investigation and development of ideas in response to theme and subject.
- You've made a clear template for your content. Remember their age too so will have to be simplified.
- Really food. I think you have a really clear idea of what you're going to make and how you're going to do it.
- Draw a bit more to visually explore the subject
- Don't skip ahead to the product too fast
- Look at more illustration on feminism and out it on blog to show informed on what has come before you & how you've learnt from that.
- Draw more! You'll also have to think about your choice of colour

Comment on the choice of media/format/series etc. in relation to the outcomes.
- Digital will work well in allowing you to arrange or adapt to different outcomes
- Really good book idea/layout. Great way of thinking.
- Experiment a little more with what you're going to include.
- For the paper dolls, you'll have to test which paper will work best as they tend to need quite thick stock.

General Comments:
- Draw more and put on blog - show how you're responding as you are being informed. An activity could be flash cards/pair up cards (research it more).
- Could talk about gender roles in jobs e.g. men being ballet dancers/women being plumbers. Equal rights could be done on paper dolls. Teach kids not to restrict themselves from doing what they want.

My thoughts
Overall, this feedback session was really useful. It was good to see where everybody else was with their work and I realise that I'm at a point where I need to take a bit of a step back and not focus on the outcome too much.

  • I have identified what I would like to make, but by the end of the project I want it to have developed much more
  • DRAW MORE! I've spent way too much time reading and writing so far. 
  • Stop worrying about making final outcome, draw in response to gender roles/identity. 

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