
Practical Crit Feedback

Comment on the initial relationship between the Theme and the proposed Subject?

  • Good proposal & challenging gender roles for children links in well with feminism because you're looking at where we first learn these stereotypes
  • Strong relationship
Comment on the appropriateness, scope and ambition of the proposed outcomes in relation to the subject
  • Specific in terms of age range.
  • Appropriate for the audience doing a cartoon; and the fact it is going to be challenging reflects the theme
  • 4 Characters, digital prints, merchandise - good amount of work
  • I feel that instead of products you could expand on your character design with more narrative because how can children know that these characters are good role models if they don't know the story behind them?
  • Also be more specific; how many characters will you produce/design
  • Do they exist in a world?
  • Are these really traditional parents that stop them from doing what they want?
Comment on the visual investigation and development of ideas in response to theme and subject.
  • Sketchbook is really nice
  • There's some good investigation into pattern forming
  • Your drawings are really good
  • I really like the more androgynous characters vs the muscular ones
  • Would like to see more investigation into what children are wearing these days; trends; how you challenge those
  • More digital experimentation
  • More writing in terms of how you feel your characters are going to be challenging the norm
  • How do children engage with your characters?
  • How do you tie your characters together?
Comment on the choice of media/format/series etc. in relation to the outcomes
  • Making lots of things that people/kids can use/play with
  • I think digital is the best media to use for this and screen print for merchandise? Sounds manageable. 
  • The more engaging the better
General Comments
Feedback sheet 1
  • Very clear well done
  • This is a good amount of work to produce. You could push the proposal further digitally -  apps, games, education? How can you make it more rounded?
Feedback sheet 2
  • Where is the cartoon going to be seen?
  • Could you mock up the some of it on an adult/in a magazine?
  • Where specifically will the t-shirts/merch be sold?
  • Print a t-shirt and take photographs of children wearing it who are all different
  • Expand on just producing character designs because I feel this is a bit limited
  • What is the cartoon going to be called?
  • Do these kids have any kind of special power about them that makes them so different yet normal? i.e. how will you convey that it's okay to be different?
  • I think 6 to 10 year olds is still too broad. I have a niece who is 6 and a nephew that is 10 - my niece loves disney & my nephew is into more reality, so this needs to be considered.
General points from feedback/things to consider:
  • Think about the narrative more. Am I going to story-board an episode or is it enough to propose the environment/character/idea of the show?
  • Are the products really relevant to the whole concept? I do think that young children will want to own something with a character on that they can identify with but at the same time I don't want to marginalise and make the audience feel like they have to identify with one of them..
Really useful feedback session! I'm glad I've explored so many possible responses to the problem but right now I just need to get started. I'm sure a lot of the feedback will make more sense once I start creating these characters and deciding how each one will challenge the gender constructs we see in children's media. 

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