
Final Crit Feedback

So overall, the feedback on my work was positive.  Most people liked the presentation and thought it was appropriate to the idea. However a couple of comments stuck out to me,
  • "The product is really heavy & the handle cannot support it"
  • "Some of the cutting could be more refined"
  • "The pack itself is quite heavy"
  • "Could backgrounds of images have been filled out?"
  • "too much writing"
As I presented it with white-tac to hold the packaging together (so that people didn't have to tear it open), I can see why somebody thought the handle couldn't support it. However, even with just white-tac, I still disagree as it seems strong enough to me. When the work is submitted, I'll be using staples to seal the packaging so that whoever is marking it, gets the full experience of opening the product.
As for the cutting, I agree that some areas aren't that great and as I'm not sure I can (or have access to, in the time left) get it laser cut. I will be re-printing the art for the magnets however, so I will just take more care when cutting. 
I chose not to put artwork on the backgrounds because I didn't want it to detract from the character or the clothes, because that is what I was using to make each point. I could have experimented with this however.
Since I wanted this package to be educational, I thought the writing was important and I didn't want to oversimplify the information. I think if I cut the writing down too much, then some important information would have been lost.

Things I need to do before submission:
  • Re-print and cut out magnets to better quality
  • Ensure package isn't too heavy (use minimal sheets of magnets to store small parts)
  • Seal packaging with staples!

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