
Final Crit Feedback Evaluation

Feedback from the crit was all good and they didn't point out any changes I need to make and judging from the comments they understood my intentions/where the idea came from, which is reassuring!
The only suggestions made were to do with presentation boards and how I can take the practical further.

Before submission I want to look at how the colouring/activity book can be adapted into a tablet app. Since children have more access to tablets or similar technology nowadays, it would make the activities more accessible to a wider audience - it also means that they would have a choice with how they could engage with it.

Action plan between now and submission:

  • Photograph finished work for presentation boards
  • Finish writing statement of synthesis
  • Produce app mock-ups for boards and possibly a short animation
  • Research/produce potential distribution/contexts (where it would be sold or used)

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