
Reviewing research propsoal...

Currently I am at a point in my research when I feel as though I need to narrow it down a little bit. So far I have just been making myself understand the women's movement from the last 150 years or so. This is quite a large amount of time to study but I have to consider the scale of this project and I do think I will be able to go do some in depth analysis on the topic.
For my proposal, I said that I wanted to explore "How has Feminism changed with each 'wave'?". However, I took a look at my essay from last year, which was titled    "How has the role of women changed in the last 100 years?" and I think if I re-worded my proposal to something like "How has Western Feminism changed in the last 150 years?" I might find it a bit easier to understand what exactly I am writing about. I could also structure the essay similarly and re-investigate a few of the points I made last year - for all I know, I might come across evidence to suggest that I was previously wrong. By questioning how Western Feminism has changed in the last 150 years, I'll be making direct comparisons of how it was 150 years ago to today and I will evaluate the success of the points I make. 

In terms of the practical investigation of this work, I'm interested in making work that educates people about social issues and invites people to form opinions on a subject. I think it's important for the advancement of feminism to educate younger audiences and try to get them involved in questioning social constructs and making change. 

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