

 Unexpected problems

When I printed this version of my zine, I was really disappointed with how the colours had come out. They were much too dark and the textures didn't print at all. Compared with the draft version I did previously, on cheaper paper using a different printer, this 'final' print out looked awful. 

How the colours and textures were supposed to look:

It occurred to me that although I used the correct colour settings in Photoshop, that it was possibly the paper and the type of printer that was affecting the colours. The mock version was printed with a laser printer, whilst the other version was an inkjet - I hadn't realised this could affect my artwork before. The paper I used to print on the 'final' version also scratched very easily which made it, in my eyes, unpresentable as final outcome. 

I resolved to alter all of the artwork to make it much lighter so that when printed, the textures and colours would be more like on screen. I also chose a different kind of paper that didn't scratch and as a last minute decision, I made a sleeve to keep it closed and presented nicely. 
I do think that the cover is a little bit too light but I am satisfied with how it looks overall.

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