


Throughout a lot of this project I have felt directionless and very unsure about what I wanted to communicate. I started my visual research with a lot of momentum and then as I neglected my research and informing myself on my chosen topic, I lost that momentum for a while. However, once I started looking into the different cultural codes of Metal culture, I got a better idea of what to produce and what I wanted to communicate. 
I found it quite easy to find a visual aesthetic that suited the tone of voice I wanted to create just by experimenting in my sketchbook and then doing the same digitally with textured brushes and loose line work. When it came to actually producing a physical copy of my zine, I struggled with getting the colours to print correctly, so it took quite a lot of trial and error. However, that has definitely been beneficial because now I understand how different papers and printers affect the outcome. 
General feedback from peers has been positive so far, although none of it was from a formal feedback session. I aimed to give my illustrations a bit of humor, which isn't a strength of mine, and combine it with an informative tone of voice. I think I've been successful in doing so but I also want to let my audience (peers during the crit/feedback session), help determine that. 

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