
Task 1 Love/Hate

Echo Chernik

Echno Chernik's work has a very distinctive 'style' - art nouveau illustrated posters used in advertising. This is not usually the kind of work that inspires me, however I think that the piece of work above it quite capturing. Even with the brand logo and text on top, the image is not lost. Chernik has used a very limited colour palette using only greens - a complimentary colour for the logo. Chernik's work has opened my mind to and area of illustration I had barely noticed before.

Albert Morell

 Albert Morell's work is often very simple. It uses three design elements very simply, colour, space and line. The thing I like most about his work are the pattern often surrounding the main focus. Generally don't really like simple pieces like this however I can appreciate the skill and creativity it takes to produce such clean vector style work.  I would like to learn these skills because it will not only benefit me as an illustrator but it will help me define my own 'style' and tone of voice.

 Kelly Smith

Kelly Smith's work is predominantly fashion and beauty based. She uses very fine detail along with watercolour and other soft media which creates a very subtle but striking effect. I absolutely love the pale colours she uses with the grey pencil shading. I am very interested in fashion and beauty illustration and Smith's work has to be some of the most inspirational I've come across.

Tim Burton
Although Tim Burton is predominantly a film maker - an area outside of my field, I have always been inspired by him. I have grown up watching his films and have always been captured by the skill and creativity. I love the dark twist his work has and the finely crafted stop motion. I find his work visually very beautiful but I feel it also has some conceptual underlying elements.

Kat Cameron
Upon discovering Cameron's work, I instantly fell in love with the cute characters and pretty colour palettes. The designs are fairly simple and I think the colours and lines all work really well together. From doing some research, I found that I am inspired by similar things as her; "her love of life, cuteness, fun, japanese inspired, vintage homewares, retro designs, babushka dolls, bold colours, kids toys, childrens books, the dark side, bunnys and kittens". This made me realise how much your interests are somewhat illustrated in your work. It helps shape your style and define your tone of voice. 

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